Freezing time of three-month-old WT and Tsc+/− transgenic mice treated with vehicle, memantine or NitroSynapsin in fear-conditioning trials. All four groups of mice tested (WT-vehicle, Het-vehicle, Het-memantine, and Het-NitroSynapsin) showed freezing in the “training context” and the “novel context + cue,” indicating that their conditioned fear responses were unaffected by genotype or drugs. Additionally, WT mice displayed context discrimination between the training and novel contexts (*P = 0.032). In contrast, vehicle- or memantine-treated Tsc2+/− mice showed deficits in this behavior, resulting in the lack of discrimination between the training and novel contexts (n.s. = no significant difference). NitroSynapsin treatment improved this phenotype, normalizing context discrimination in Tsc2+/− mice (**P = 0.023). Values are mean + s.e.m. (n = 7-12 mice per group). Abbreviations: Training context = training environment in which the mice were previously trained with a shock preceded by a sound cue. Novel context = new flooring and walls in the test chamber. Novel context + cue = novel context with sound cue.