Table 1. Characteristics of studies included.
Legend: 1RM - 1 maximum repetition; Aix - aortic augmentation index; BA - brachial artery; CA - carotid artery; cIMT - carotid intima-media thickness; CO - control; D - diabetic; EID - endothelium-independent vasodilation; ET - exercise training; FMD - flow-mediated dilation; HR - heart rate; HRmax - percentage of maximal heart rate; HRR - percentage of heart rate reserve; MVC - maximal voluntary contractions; ND - non-diabetic; NR - not reported; PRT - progressive resistance training; PWA - pulse wave analysis; PWV - pulse wave velocity; SFA - superficial femoral artery; T2D – Type 2 Diabetes; VO2max - maximal oxygen uptake; VO2peak - peak oxygen uptake.