Figure 2. HHcy and T2DM led to splenomegaly in male mice.
db/+ mice (non-T2DM groups) and db/db mice (T2DM groups) were fed a HF, HF+HM, or HF+HM+HV diet from 8 weeks old to 16 weeks old and then euthanized. To evaluate mouse physiological conditions, all mice were monitored for heart weight (A, male; G, female), liver weight (B, male; H, female), kidney weight (C, male; I, female), pancreas weight (D, male; J, female), brain weight (E, male; K, female); spleen weight (F, male; L, female) (expressed as “organ weights relative to tibia lengths”) at sacrifice. Severe HHcy increased spleen weight in HHcy+T2DM mice. N=6 mice. *P<0.05 vs HF diet mice with the same genotype, $P<0.05 vs db/+ mice on the same diet. Synergy was defined as HHcy and T2DM produced a greater effects in HHcy+T2DM mice than the sum of that in HHcy and T2DM alone.