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. 2019 Jul 18;11(6):795–805. doi: 10.4168/aair.2019.11.6.795

Table 3. Prescribed respiratory medications according to inhaled corticosteroid use.

Characteristics ICS (−) ICS (+) P value
No. % No. %
Total 447,855 100.0 281,488 100.0
ICS - 0.0 110,542 39.3 < 0.001
ICS + LABA - 0.0 208,475 74.1 < 0.001
LABA 2,206 0.5 2,764 1.0 < 0.001
LAMA 5,935 1.3 27,070 9.6 < 0.001
LABA + LAMA 146 0.0 343 0.1 < 0.001
SAMA 7,729 1.7 29,752 10.6 < 0.001
SABA 67,028 15.0 130,137 46.2 < 0.001
SABA + SAMA 2 0.0 6 0.0 0.034
LTRA 286,475 64.0 180,790 64.2 0.024
Theophylline 249,135 55.6 143,355 50.9 < 0.001

ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting β-agonists; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonists; SAMA, short-acting muscarinic antagonists; SABA, short-acting β-agonists; LTRA, leukotriene receptor antagonist.