Fig. 2.
Lattice strain behaviour of an AM 316 stainless steel sample measured via in situ SXRD. a Schematic of in situ SXRD setup, where the loading direction (LD), transverse direction (TD) and normal direction (ND) are illustrated. b Engineering and true stress–strain curves of uniaxial tension, plotted up to the onset of necking. c In situ SXRD results of the lattice strain (ɛhkl) along LD in four grain families of {111}, {200}, {220} and {311}, respectively, plotted against the macroscopic true stress of the sample. The 0.2% offset yield strength (σ Y) is marked with a dashed line, separating the elastic and plastic regimes. The average statistical uncertainty of the calculated strains is about 0.01%. d Same as c, except along TD