Figure 6.
Analysis of an F2 population from a cross between late-flowering Medicago plants overexpressing MtCDFd1_1 and the late-flowering Mtfta1 R108 mutant. (A) Flowering time for each genotype in a segregating F2 population (n = 72) derived from a cross between the Mtfta1 mutant and transgenic plants overexpressing MtCDFd1_1 is presented as either the mean number of days or the number of nodes on the primary axis when the first floral bud was observed ± t.SE (0.05). Homo is homozygous for the Mtfta1 mutation, and het is heterozygous for the Mtfta1 mutation. One wild-type F2 segregant plant (without the 35S:MtCDFd1_1 transgene and wild type for MtFTa1) was obtained. It flowered at 26 days and eight nodes, similar to wild-type R108. (B–F) Relative gene expression in 35S:MtCDFd1_1 F2 plants, with or without the Mtfta1 mutation of MtCDFd1_1, MtFTa1, MtFTb1, MtFTb2 and MtSOC1a in vernalized long day (VLD). Data were derived from fully expanded trifoliate leaves harvested on day 23 at ZT4. Three biological samples each consisting of leaves from three plants were harvested per genotype. Gene expression levels were means of the three biological replicates ± SE, normalized to PP2A. Data were presented relative to the highest value of that specific gene. Asterisks indicate genotypes with significantly different expression from R108 [multiple pairwise comparisons adjusted for false discovery rate (FDR); α = 0.05].