Fig. 6.
Reduced phosphorylation of 4E-BP in brains of rapamycin-fed human amyloid precursor protein (PDAPP) mice. (a) Representative immunoblots of 4E-BP and of P(T37/46)4E-BP in whole-brain extracts from control- and rapamycin-fed PDAPP mice. (b and c) Densitometric quantitation of (P)4E-BP (b) and of total 4E-BP (c) in whole-brain extracts of control- and rapamycin-fed PDAPP mice. p-values are indicated. Student’s t-test was used to determine significance of differences between means. Immunoblots for 4E-BP and for Thr37/46-phosphorylated 4E-BP were performed three times. n = 4–8 animals/group. Data are means ± SEM.