Fig. 5.
Summary of time course of CFA and of NGF sequestration effects on AP variables, FFF80% and spontaneous activity in nociceptive units. A–C show data for C-fiber units; D–F for Aδ-fiber units; andG–I for Aα/β-fiber units. Throughout,0 means no CFA treatment; 1,2, and 4 mean 1, 2 or 4 d after CFA, and 4 + NBD is 4 d after CFA plus NBD treatment.A, B, D, E,G, and H show summaries of changes in medians relative to the median value at 0 (no CFA treatment). Asingle asterisk above a 1,2, or 4 d column indicated a significant difference compared with untreated (0), and a single asterisk above the 4 NBD column indicated a significant difference between this and the 4 (days) column (statistical tests were as for Fig. 3 but in this summary, anasterisk indicates all p values < 0.05, detailed p values in Fig. 3 and Results).C, F, and I show the incidence of spontaneous activity in C-, Aδ-, and Aα/β-fiber nociceptive units. A χ2 test for trend was performed on a 2 × 4 contingency table of the 0, 1, 2, and 4 d incidences. A χ2 test on a 2 × 2 contingency table was used to compare values in the 4 with those in the 4 + NBD columns. For these graphs only, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001.