Fig. 2.
Distribution of expression of endogenous apoE mRNA in nontransgenic control and p198.KK transgenic mouse brains. Horizontal and sagittal sections of nontransgenic control (A, B) and p198.KK transgenic (D, E) mouse brains were radioactively labeled by in situ hybridization and examined by autoradiography. A, B, Distribution pattern of endogenous mouse apoE mRNA (dark grains) as revealed by a mouse antisense probe. C, Hybridization to a sagittal brain section with a sense probe does not produce a signal. D, E,Distribution pattern of p198.KK human transgene apoE mRNA (dark grains) as revealed by a human antisense probe. F, Hybridization to a sagittal nontransgenic control brain section with a human antisense probe does not produce a signal.