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. 2001 Feb 1;21(3):759–770. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.21-03-00759.2001

Table 1.

Voltage-dependent conductance parameters

Conductance state variables n Gmax(S/cm2) Vrev (mV) α (sec−1) β (sec−1)
 Activation 3 0.013 87.39 0.9(V + 19)/(1 − exp(−(V + 19)/10)) 36 exp(−0.055(V + 44))
 Inactivation 1 0.315 exp(−0.3(V + 44)) 4.5/(1 + exp(−(V + 11)/5))
 Activation 1 5e−4 87.39 0.00024 − 0.015(V − 4.5)/((exp(−(V − 4.5)/6.8) − 1)) 0.14 + 0.047(V + 44)/(exp((V + 44)/0.11) − 1))
 Inactivation 1 0.96*exp(−(V + 80)/62.5) 0.03*exp((V + 83.3)/16.1)
 Activation 1 2e−4 87.39 0.091(V + 42)/(1 − exp(−(V + 42)/5)) −0.062(V + 42)/(1 − exp((V + 42)/5))
x = 1/(1 + exp(−(V + 42)/5))
τ = 5/(α + β)
 Activation 4 0.003 −84.69 0.13(V + 25)/(1 − exp(−(V + 25)/10)) 1.69 exp(−0.0125(V + 35))
 Activation 3 0.004 −84.69 14.67/(1 + exp(−(V + 9.17)/23.32)) 2.98(exp(−(V + 18.28)/19.47))
 Inactivation 1 0.33/(1 + exp((V + 111.33)/12.84)) 0.31/(1 + exp(−(V + 49.95)/8.9))
x = 1/(1 + exp(−(V + 46.7)/19.8))
y = 1/(1 + exp((V + 78.8)/8.4))
 Activation 1 9e−4 −84.69 0.4 exp(−0.041(V + 83.94)) 0.51 exp(0.028(V + 83.94))
 Activation 1 0.004 −84.69 2.5/(1 + 1.5e − 3/[Ca] exp(−0.085V)) 1.5/(1 + [Ca]/(0.15e − 3 exp(−0.085V)))
 Activation 2 4.6e−4 129.33 0.15 exp(0.063 (V + 29.06)) 0.089 exp(−0.039(V + 18.66))
 Inactivation 1 * 0.0039 exp(−0.055(V + 48)) 0.0039 exp(0.012(V + 48))
 Activation 1 3.5e−4 −84.69 0.008 exp(0.025(V + 30)) 0.008 exp(−0.05(V + 30))
x = 1/(1 + exp(−(V + 30)/6))

This Table reports the equations used to calculate αx, βx, αy, and βy (see Eqs. 3 and 4) for the membrane conductances used in the model (in a few cases x andy are reported; see Eq. 9). The number of gating particles (n), maximum conductance (Gmax), and ionic reversal potential (* resting value for Ca2+) used to calculate ionic currents are also shown.