Fig. 5.
LTP is normal in area CA1 of 12-month-old APP695SWE Tg mice. A, Example experiment from a slice prepared without the use of kynurenate from a Wt animal. Examples traces are taken from the time points immediately before and 60 min after the induction of LTP. LTP was induced by the delivery of theta burst stimulation at the time indicated by thearrow. Calibration: 0.25 mV, 10 msec. B, Similar data taken from a Tg animal. C, Pooled data for 12-month-old animals from slices prepared without the use of kynurenate, showing no difference in the levels of LTP between Wt (●;n = 26 slices from 17 animals) and Tg (○;n = 22 slices from 18 animals) animals.