Fig. 12.
Prepulses relieved ipsilateral inhibition evoked by trailing binaural signals. Bottom left, Raster displays of binaural signals presented alone. Note the suppression of responses evoked by contralateral stimulation as the intensity at the ear ipsilateral to the ICc was increased. Bottom middle, right, Raster displays evoked by an FM prepulse at the ear contralateral to the ICc, followed 1.0 and 5.0 msec later by trailing binaural FM signals. Note the relief from inhibition afforded by the 1.0 msec interval when the ipsilateral intensities of the trailing signals were 40–45 dB SPL. Relief was over at the 5.0 msec interval, presumably because the persistent inhibition in the DNLL had ended at that time. FM signals swept from 40 to 15 kHz. Top, Suppression produced by ipsilateral intensities as a percentage of the maximum response. Included are data from the 3.0 msec interval between the prepulse and trailing signals, which are not shown in raster displays.