Fig. 5.
Effect of CORT on the modulation of [3H]flunitrazepam binding by THDOC in the dorsal hippocampus. Brain sections from CORT- or vehicle-treated, gonadally intact animals were incubated with 0.5 nm[3H]flunitrazepam in buffer alone or buffer containing 100 nm THDOC. Data presented are [3H]flunitrazepam-specific binding in the presence of THDOC expressed as the percentage of basal binding in the absence of THDOC. Shown are means and error bars representing SEM;n = 9. The CORT- versus vehicle-treatment factor was significant (F(1,16) = 4.79;p = 0.0437) but so was the interaction between treatment and hippocampal region (Ammon's horn vs dentate gyrus;F(1,16) = 5.89; p = 0.0274). Set B contrasts indicated that the percentage modulation of [3H]flunitrazepam binding by THDOC differed between CORT- and vehicle-treated animals in the dentate gyrus (t = −2.65; p = 0.0173), indicated by an asterisk.