Fig. 7.
Evidence for protein synthesis-dependent and -independent effects of NGF on ChAT activity and ACh release, respectively. ChAT activity (A) and constitutive ACh release (B) were compared after 6, 12, and 24 hr exposures to NGF (100 ng/ml) and/or cycloheximide (CY; 2 μm). Data are normalized according to controls and are expressed as mean ± SEM (6 hr,n = 4; 12 hr, n = 4–8; 24 hr,n = 20–24). Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVAs with Tukey's post-test: *p <0.05 vs vehicle-treated control and †p<0.05 vs NGF/CY (within ChAT and ACh, same hour);‡p < 0.05 vs NGF at 6 and 12 hr (within ChAT and ACh); §p< 0.05 vs NGF/CY at 6 and 12 hr (within ACh). Furthermore, at 6, 12, and 24 hr, the percentage changes in ACh release and ChAT activity were different within NGF and NGF/CY groups (p < 0.05).