Fig. 1.
Dopamine has temporally biphasic effects on eIPSCs. A, Representative traces from neurons voltage-clamped at −45 mV using QX-314-filled electrodes in the presence of APV and CNQX. Application of 10 (top) or 20 (bottom) μm dopamine initially depressed eIPSC amplitude (Dopamine 1) but subsequently increased amplitude (Dopamine 2) before recovery.B, Mean and SEM group data showing the change in eIPSC amplitude over time. Dopamine (20 μm) produced an initial reduction (1) before an enhancement (2) in eIPSC amplitude. Inset, The effects were dose dependent. A significant (p < 0.05) biphasic change in eIPSC amplitude was observed at 10 and 20 μm dopamine but not at 1 μm. C, Dopamine (20 μm) had no effect on the response to focal puff application of the GABAB agonist baclofen (1 mm in ACSF;n = 7). D, Dopamine (20 μm) produced a long-lasting decrease but no rebound increase in Rin, as assessed with intracellular voltage steps of −10 mV.