Fig. 3.
A, B, Cortical recording chambers implanted over M1 cortex in monkeys D and M, respectively. The coordinate system (5 mm grid) is overlaid in yellow, and locations of electrode tracks are indicated with black-outlined red dots. Thelarge black rectangle overlying each chamber identifies the cortical area represented in maps C–F. In monkey D, a 15 mm incision was made in the dura for visual identification of the central sulcus. C–F, Maps of motor cortex for two monkeys represented in two-dimensional coordinates after unfolding the precentral gyrus. C, D, Maps for monkeys D and M, respectively, based on strong and moderate PStF effects together with R-ICMS-evoked movements. E,F, Maps for monkeys D and M, respectively, based on weak, moderate, and strong effects together with R-ICMS-evoked movements.