Fig. 1.
Expression of the N-terminal domain of TI-VAMP inhibits axonal and dendritic growth. A, Hippocampal neurons from E18 rats transfected with GFP or GFP-Nter-TI-VAMP 4 hr after plating and fixed 24 hr later. Scale bar, 32 μm.B, Cells transfected as in A after 1 or 4 div were recorded 24 hr later, and the dendritic length was measured.C, Cells transfected as in A after 1 or 4 div were recorded 24 hr after transfection, and the number of dendrites on each cell was counted. D, Cells were transfected as in A after 1 div with GFP or GFP-Nter-TI-VAMP, and the axonal length was measured 24 hr later; shown are the mean values (±SEM) of between 40 and 60 analyzed cells. **p < 0.006; *p < 0.06.