mPFC and Te3 monosynaptic inputs exert different effects on BLA interneurons and projection neurons.A, mPFC stimulation at increasing stimulus intensities is more effective at driving BLA interneurons than is stimulation of Te3 inputs. B, Te3 stimulation at increasing intensities is more effective at driving projection neuron firing than is stimulation of mPFC inputs. To compare stimulation–response curves, threshold stimulation intensity (T) is the lowest stimulation that evokes a spike at least once in >40 consecutive attempts (ranges, 2–12% spike probability). Stimulation intensities 0.05 mA lower than T do not evoke any spikes in at least 50 stimulations. From threshold stimulation intensity, the intensity is increased in steps of 0.1 mA. Each 0.1 mA step is labeled consecutively, beginning at 2. The Te3 and mPFC inputs significantly differ from each other at every stimulus intensity plotted, other than threshold stimulation intensities (t test;p < 0.05).