Temporary inactivation of retrosplenial cortex decreased after inactivation of retrosplenial cortex in light and dark but was only related to behavior during dark testing. A, The spatial correlation during con to con (Control) is significantly higher than that during con to inact (Inact; p < 0.01). This suggests that hippocampal place cells changed their preferred firing location during light inactivation. B, In light inactivation, there was no relationship between errors and the spatial correlation, suggesting that changes in place coding by hippocampal cells do not predict behavioral performance in the light.C, The spatial correlation in dark inactivation decreased significantly when retrosplenial cortex was inactivated (p < 0.01). D, There was a significant correlation between errors in darkness and changes in place coding by hippocampal place cells. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. Corr, Correlation.