Fig. 5.
Response sensitivity and phase during lateral TrVOR suppression are plotted in polar coordinates for the horizontal type II PV/PVP, Ec-Hc, and Ei-Hi cells and one vertical E-H cell that exhibited clear response modulations during stabilization of a head-fixed target. A, Individual neuron responses at 0.5 Hz (±0.2 g) are shown. B, Average responses for the type II PV/PVP, Ec-Hc, and Ei-Hi neurons are compared for 0.5 and 2 Hz translational stimuli (solidand open symbols, respectively). Sensitivity has been expressed in spikes · second−1 · gravity−1(g = 9.81 m/sec2). Phase has been expressed relative to contralaterally directed head velocity.Vert, Vertical. See previous figure legends for other abbreviations.