Fig. 9.
Feedfoward and feedback models of the RVOR (A, B) (Skavenski and Robinson, 1973; Robinson, 1981;Galiana and Outerbridge, 1984) and the RVOR and TrVOR (C, D) [modified following Green and Galiana (1998); Musallam and Tomlinson (1999)]. The neural filterF(s) represents an internal model of the eye plant [i.e., F(s) = P(s)] that is presumed to exist in the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (PH). Parameter Tp in A andC is chosen to provide neural compensation for the low-pass filter dynamics of the eye plant (Robinson, 1981), whereas parameters a and b in Band D are set to provide an appropriate RVOR gain and integrator time constant (Galiana and Outerbridge, 1984).C(s), Semicircular canals;E, eye position; E*, efference copy or internal estimate of E; EM, eye movement-sensitive vestibular neurons;H˙ang, angular head velocity;Ḧlin, linear head acceleration; MN, extraocular motoneurons;O(s), otolith organs;VO, vestibular-only neurons. See previous figure legends for other abbreviations.