Fig. 2.
Effects of anti-synapsin antibody injection on ACh release. Evoked ACh release was monitored at identified synapses in the buccal ganglion of Aplysia californica. A, Schematic drawing of the neuronal connections and the recorded neurons.pre1/pre2, B4/B5 presynaptic neurons;post, B3, B6, or B8 postsynaptic neuron;Ab, antibody. B, A representative experiment is illustrated. The amplitude of IPSCs evoked every 40 sec was averaged during periods of 30 min (means of 45 measurements ± SEM) before and after the injection (arrow) of the G423 anti-synapsin antibody. ● denotes values from the antibody-injected neuron, and ○ denotes values from the control, noninjected neuron. Values were normalized with respect to the mean IPSC amplitudes recorded before the injection. C, The mean amplitude of IPSCs evoked from noninjected (n = 16, white bars), preimmune-injected (n = 4,gray bars), and antibody-injected (G423,n = 9; G177, n = 3;black bars) neurons is reported at the indicated times as a percentage (±SEM) of the mean IPSC amplitude before the injection. Note that the values reported at +1100 min after injection were obtained from only three antibody-injection experiments (G423,n = 2; G177, n = 1) and two preimmune-injection experiments in which synaptic activity could be maintained for such a long time. D, Averaged IPSCs (n = 5 for each condition) recordedbefore and +480min after the time of injection from control, noninjected (top panel) and antibody-injected (bottom panel) neurons. Averaged IPSCs have been scaled to allow comparison of their time course. E, The mean percentage changes in the IPSC rise time with respect to the mean value observed before injection are reported at the indicated times after the injection for noninjected (n = 10; white bars), preimmune-injected (n = 4;gray bars), and antibody-injected (n= 6; black bars) neurons. Means at +1100 min are from only six noninjected, three preimmune-injected, and three antibody-injected neurons. C, E, Multiple comparisons were performed by a two-way ANOVA analysis followed by Tukey–Kramer test on the relative rise time change considering two factors: treatment and time. C, n.s, Not significant. E, Effect of treatment on rise time in antibody-injected neurons versus preimmune-injected or noninjected: **p < 0.001; preimmmune-injected versus noninjected: not significant; effect of time alone on IPSC rise time of noninjected or preimmune injected neurons: not significant.F, A representative experiment of a series of four, performed as described in B, during which anti-VAMP antibodies were injected. The hatched area denotes bath application of 2 μm tetanus toxin (TeNT). G, The mean IPSC rise times were determined in antibody-injected (black bar) and noninjected (white bar) neurons 235–245 min after anti-VAMP antibody injection and 1 hr after tetanus toxin application.n.s, Not significant.