The dvl-1 effect on sAPPα secretion is blocked via inhibition of PKC/MAP kinase and JNK. HEK293 wtAPP695cells were transfected with dvl-1 and treated with a PKC inhibitor (bisindolylmaleimide-I), an inhibitor of MEK/MAP kinase signaling (PD98059), and an inhibitor of p38 (PD169316), and cotransfected with JIP-1, an inhibitor of JNK signaling. The secretion of sAPPα was assessed by immunoblotting (A) and measured by densitometry (B) (n = 4; error bars = SEM). Transfection of dvl-1 increased sAPPα secretion, but this increase was substantially reduced by PKC and MAP kinase signaling inhibition but unaffected by p38 MAP kinase inhibition. Inhibition of JNK signaling had a partial effect on sAPPα secretion. In all cases, densitometry data are normalized relative to controls for each individual experiment. *p < 0.05; **p = 0.005.