Fig. 11.
A, Paired extracellular recordings of spontaneous orthodromic impulses in ASCE from MnT2, the connective between A1 and A2 (1–2), and the connective between thoracic ganglion T5 and A1 (T5-A1). The electrode on the connectives first recorded impulses in1–2 and then was moved to record T5-A1.B, Paired recordings of impulses in an ASCLaxon in MnT4 and in the connective between T5 and A1. The top pairs show spontaneous orthodromic impulses; the bottom pairs show antidromic impulses in response to stimulation of the T5–A1 connective. C, Axons of DSC interneurons projected posteriorly toward the terminal ganglion, A6. The top pairs of recordings show spontaneous orthodromic impulses from MnT4 and the connective between A5 and A6 (5–6); the bottom pairs show antidromic impulses in response to stimulation of the 5–6 connective. The gray rectangles beneath the antidromic recordings inB and C mark the stimulus artifacts.