Fig. 2.
EPSPs caused by stimulating different SR axons recorded from the cell body or from the dendritic region of FI6 neurons (C). A, Intracellular recordings from the cell body (Soma) of one FI6 neuron that demonstrate differences in the strengths of synapses made by SR axons originating in segments 1 through 5 (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5). Stimulation (arrowhead) of each N2 contralateral to the FI6 cell body elicited impulses in both SR1 and SR2 axons and EPSPs from each of them that are summed in these recordings. B, Recordings from the dendritic region (Dendrite) of another FI6 that show EPSPs from SR axons originating in contralateral A1, A2, A3, and A4. Contralateral N2s from each segment were stimulated (arrowhead) in the same way as in A. In this experiment, stimulation of the N2 of A5 failed, and EPSPs from the SRs entering A5 were not recorded. For each trace in A and B, the responses to 50 stimuli were averaged. C, A diagram that shows the two recording sites.