Morphological correlates of the early synapses on pyramidal cells. A, At E85, GABAergic terminals and fibers immunolabeled for GAD-65 are distributed in stratum radiatum (R) and stratum oriens (O) but not in stratum pyramidale (P). B–E, Photomicrographs of pyramidal cells. B, A silent neuron from the CA1 region at E85, with its dendritic arbor restricted to stratum pyramidale.C, A GABA-only neuron from CA1 at E85, with apical dendrite penetrating into stratum radiatum. D,E, GABA + glutamate neurons, note the development of the dendritic arbor from E105 (D) to E134 (E). F–I, High magnification of dendritic processes of a GABA-only cell (F) and GABA + glutamate neurons from E105 (G), E134 (H), and E154 (I). Note that the emergence of glutamatergic PSCs coincides with the appearance of spines and that the number of spines increases with age. Scale bars: A–E, 50 μm; F–I, 5 μm.