Fig. 1.
The bait used and clones recovered in the two-hybrid screening. A, An illustration of the regions of mouse APP695 used as bait. APP595–695starts from the two amino acids Lys595–Met596, mutated to Asn–Leu in the Swedish type of FAD. APP649–695encodes the entire cytoplasmic domain of APP, the amino acid sequence of which is conserved between human and mouse APP. The α-, β-, and γ-secretase cleavage sites are also indicated. B, The clones recovered from the screening and the domain organization of mouse JIP-1b and its human homolog IB1. The portions coded by the recovered plasmids are indicated as lines with their amino acid positions in parentheses. Theboxes indicate JNK binding domain (JBD), src-homology region 3 (SH3), and PID, with their amino acid positions in numbers.