Fig. 5.
Activation of caspase-7 in spinal cords of transgenic mSOD1 mice. A, Using an antibody recognizing both forms of caspase-7, the expression of pro-caspase-7 (37 kDa) and its cleaved fragment (28 kDa) was analyzed by Western blot in cytosolic fractions of spinal cords from transgenic mSOD1 mice at the asymptomatic stage (AS), at the beginning of symptoms (BS), and at the end stage (ES) and was compared with their age-matched nontransgenic littermates (Non-Tg). The top panel corresponds to β-actin. Each lane corresponds to a different animal and is representative of four to six animals per group.B, The immunolocalization of active caspase-7 was performed on spinal cord sections from transgenic (Tg) mSOD1 mice at end stage (ES) and their age-matched nontransgenic (Non-Tg) littermates.