Recovery of somatosensory cortical barrel patterns in 5-HTT ko mice by systemic PCPA (300 mg/kg) injected once daily for 2 consecutive days in early postnatal life. If the injections are performed after P2, only the PMBSF barrels are rescued. The barrel pattern was revealed with CO staining. A, Significant decrease in barrel cortex area when the first PCPA injection is performed later than P1 [one-way ANOVA: F = 96.1 (df = 4, 21), p < 0.001]. Symbols represent significant differences (p < 0.05) fromP0+P1 and P1+P2 (∗), fromP2+P3 (○), and from P3+P4 (+). Sample sizes are shown in parentheses above eachcolumn. B, Schematic representation of somatosensory cortical barrel fields visible in F2 5-HTT ko mice treated with PCPA on 2 consecutive postnatal days. C, Representative examples of different degrees of rescue by PCPA, depending on time of PCPA injection. The time points of PCPA injections are indicated on the left of the photomicrographs.