Ependymal restriction of intraventricular adenoviral infection. A, A single intraventricular injection of an adenoviral vector bearing GFP, expressed under the control of the constitutive CMV promoter, shows the widespread infection of the ventricular ependyma, bilaterally and throughout the ventricular system 1 week after viral injection. B, Along the striatal and septal walls, GFP expression was primarily limited to the ventricular surface, with little subependymal and no parenchymal extension. A, B, Sagittal sections. C, A coronal section taken at the level of the main body of the lateral ventricles again reveals GFP expression by the infected striatal and callosal ventricular surfaces. Unlike the striatal and septal walls, the callosal wall shows subependymal and some parenchymal extension of labeled cells. Str, Striatum; LV, lateral ventricle; CC, corpus callosum; D, dorsal; V, ventral;A, anterior; P, posterior.