(A) IHC of 5 mCRPC sites from patients using antibodies to AR, PSA, CHGA, and SYP. Scale bars: 20 μM. (B) RNA-Seq heatmap of mCRPC specimens acquired through rapid autopsy from 2003–2017 (n = 98). REST-repressed NE genes are listed in the NEURO I panel (top), NE transcription factors are listed in the NEURO II panel (middle), and AR-associated genes are listed in the AR panel (bottom). Results are expressed as log2 fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads (FPKM) and colored according to scale. (C) Venn diagram showing the number of unique and shared upregulated genes between phenotypes relative to ARPC (up >3-fold; P < 0.05). ARPC (AR-high prostate cancer; AR+/NE–), ARLPC (AR-low prostate cancer; ARlow/NE–), AMPC (amphicrine prostate cancer; AR+/NE+), DNPC (double-negative prostate cancer; AR–/NE–), and SCNPC (small cell or neuroendocrine prostate cancer; AR–/NE+).