(A) Kinetic filtering circuits respond to sustained but not transient stimuli, allowing cells to perform time-sensitive functions. (B) Temporal ultrasensitivity score quantifies kinetic filtering by measuring steepness of activation over stimulus time, defined by taking the ratio of input duration required for 10% activation to input duration required for 90% activation. Trigger time, the duration of input yielding 50% activation, measures the duration of stimulus necessary to trigger response. (C) To identify kinetic filtering architectures, temporal ultrasensitivity score and trigger time were measured over an enumerated space of 68,705 circuit topologies and 10,000 sampled parameter sets per topology testing with 36 specific input pulse durations between 0.25 and 50,000 seconds. Parameter sets were considered to show kinetic filtering if temporal ultrasensitivity score ≥ 0.5 and trigger time ≥ 1s. A topology’s robustness is defined as the fraction of its sampled parameter sets that show kinetic filtering. See Figure S1 for details on simulating enzymatic circuits with OR and AND nodes. (D) Number of topologies, kinetic filters with robustness ≥ 0.001, and minimal kinetic filters in 1-, 2-, and 3-node networks. Minimal kinetic filtering topologies are topologies with robustness ≥ 0.001 where removal of any link decreases robustness below 0.001 (Figure S2D). Two 2-node minimal kinetic filters are topologically identical to 1-node minimal kinetic filters with regulatory node B taking the place of the basal regulator. Circuits with robustness ≥ 0.01 are indicated in bold.