Fig. 6.
Native-state dynamics of L6-NTD probed by NMR spectroscopy and PET-FCS. a NMR H/D exchange experiments. Amide H/D exchange time of L6-NTD (orange) and WT-NTD (blue) plotted versus residue number. Positions of helices and mutations are indicated on top of the panel. b Exchange times imposed on the structure of WT-NTD (PDB ID: 2LPJ) and of L6-NTD (PDB ID: 6QJY). c {1H},15N-hetNOE values of WT-NTD (blue) and L6-NTD (orange) backbone amides plotted versus residue number. Lower values indicate higher flexibility. d {1H},15N-hetNOE values imposed on the structure of WT-NTD (PDB ID: 2LPJ) and L6-NTD (PDB ID: 6QJY), respectively. e Reporter design for PET-FCS. Top view of the structure of L6-NTD (PDB ID: 6QJY) indicating the position of the AttoOxa11 fluorescence label (red sphere) attached to the N-terminus (G3C). The side chain of the conserved Trp W10 (blue sphere), which quenches fluorescence of AttoOxa11 upon solvent-exposure, is highlighted. Trp is buried in a network of tertiary interactions (side chains shown as sticks). f PET-FCS autocorrelation functions (G(τ)) recorded from WT-NTD and L6-NTD (blue and orange) modified with AttoOxa11 at position G3C. Data of L6-NTD modified with AttoOxa11 at position Q50C served as a control (cyan). Black lines are fits to the data using a model for translational diffusion of a globule containing two single-exponential relaxations. The control sample was described by a model for translational diffusion only. g Time constants of Trp moving out of the core (τout, solid bars) and into the core (τin, patterned bars) of WT-NTD (blue) and L6-NTD (orange), calculated from PET-FCS data. Error bars are propagated s.e. from regression analysis. The comic at the center of the panel illustrates the conformational change and assigns τout and τin. The NTD is illustrated as gray ellipsoid. Trp W10 (blue sphere) moves between buried and solvent-exposed positions. Source data are provided as Source Data file