Inhibition of Serotonin production by pcpa-treatment does not prevent HCS-cell regeneration. (A,B) Whole mount immunofluorescent staining for 5-HT and SV2 in pcpa-treated (B) and control (A) fins at 3 dpa. Pcpa treatment eliminates serotonin, but does not eliminate SV2 expression in HCS-cells. (A’,B’) The treatment does not prevent HCS-cell regeneration. (C,D) Whole mount immunofluorescence staining for Calretinin and SV2 in pcpa-treated (D) and control (C) fins at 3 dpa. Pcpa-treatment does not suppress the Calretinin expression in SV2-positive cells (C’,D’). (E) Density of 5-HT-positive cells in pcpa-treated fins decreased dramatically as compared to control fins, validating the activity of pcpa (72 ± 21 vs. 12 ± 10 cells per mm2). N ≥ 3. (F) Density of SV2-positive cells is similar in control and pcpa-treated fins (106 ± 26 vs. 92 ± 47 cell per mm2). N ≥ 3. (G) Density of Calretinin-positive cells remains unaltered despite of inhibition of serotonin production by the pcpa-treatment (126 ± 12 vs. 107 ± 44 cells per mm2). N ≥ 3.