Fig. 10.
Effects of GABAB receptor activation on synaptic depression in P3–6 neurons. A, Top traces, Stimulus trains were delivered to a P6 synapse at 200 Hz in the absence (con) or presence (bac) of 100 μm baclofen. Bottom traces, EPSCs 11–20 were superimposed and displayed on an expanded time scale to illustrate convergence of steady-state EPSC amplitudes.B, Top traces, Trains at 333 Hz in control (con) and baclofen (bac).Bottom traces, EPSCs 11–20 are superimposed and displayed on an expanded time scale to illustrate enhancement of EPSC amplitudes by baclofen at 333 Hz. C, Ratios of EPSCs in baclofen versus control (bacN/conN) for each stimulus of trains delivered at 100 Hz (triangles), 200 Hz (squares), and 333 Hz (circles) in P3–6 neurons (n = 6). At steady state,bacN/conNwas 0.66, 1.0, and 1.45 at 100, 200, and 333 Hz, respectively.D, Comparison of (bacN/conN) ratio at 200 Hz at P3–6 and E18. For E18 synapses, the steady-state value ofbacN/conN(average of last 3 stimuli) at 200 Hz was 2.0 ± 0.2 (n = 8). E, Rise times (10–90%) of EPSCs during 200 Hz stimulus trains in P3–6 neurons in control conditions (con, triangles) and in the presence of baclofen (bac, squares). Rise times remain faster during trains in the presence of baclofen.F, Half-widths of EPSCs during 200 Hz trains are narrower in baclofen (squares) compared with control (triangles).