Fig. 7.
Effects of aniracetam on synaptic depression.A, Stimulus train delivered at 333 Hz in control conditions and with 5 mm aniracetam. Traces were normalized to the amplitudes of the first peak in each train. Averages of three to five traces are shown. Inset shows EPSCs 14–17 of the stimulus train. B, Normalized peak amplitudes during stimulus trains delivered at 100 Hz (n = 9 neurons), 200 Hz (n = 8), and 333 Hz (n = 4) Circles, Control (con); triangles, aniracetam (ani). Depression was significantly reduced by aniracetam for stimulus 2 through 20 of trains. C, Relative enhancement of EPSC amplitudes by aniracetam throughout stimulus trains at 100 Hz (triangles), 200 Hz (circles), and 333 Hz (squares), calculated as 100% · (EPSCANI − EPSCCON)/EPSCCON.