Fig. 8.
Time course of recovery from synaptic depression after a single stimulus. A, Recovery was monitored by test pulses at intervals of 5 msec to 5 sec after one conditioning stimulus in an E18 synapse. Traces showing recovery in the presence GYKI (peaks indicated by dots) and in GYKI + aniracetam were normalized and superimposed. For these experiments, 20 μm GYKI was used to improve voltage clamp.B, Recovery in GYKI (indicated by dots) and GYKI + aniracetam is shown for a P2 synapse. C, Summary of recovery data for E18 synapses (n = 10), in GYKI (squares) and GYKI + aniracetam (circles). Data points were fit with double-exponential functions. Inset shows recovery from 5 to 100 msec on an expanded time scale. For recovery of E18 synapses in GYKI, τfast = 26 msec, τslow = 1.5 sec, and %fast = 65%. For recovery of E18 synapses in GYKI + aniracetam, τfast = 33 msec, τslow = 1.4 sec, and %fast = 59%.D, Recovery in P2–3 synapses (n = 11) in GYKI (squares) and GYKI + aniracetam (circles). Inset shows recovery from 5 to 100 msec on an expanded time scale. For recovery of P2–3 synapses in GYKI, τfast = 35 msec, τslow = 1.8 sec, and %fast = 47%. For recovery of P2–3 synapses in GYKI + aniracetam, τfast = 35 msec, τslow = 1.5 sec, and %fast = 36%.E, Comparison of depression and recovery in E18 and P2–3 synapses in GYKI. With a 5 msec recovery interval, EPSC2/EPSC1 ratio was 0.12 ± 0.02 and 0.37 ± 0.04 at ages E18 and P2–3, respectively.F, Comparison of recovery in E18 and P2–3 synapses in GYKI + aniracetam. With a 5 msec recovery interval, EPSC2/EPSC1 ratio was 0.31 ± 0.05 and 0.48 ± 0.04 at ages E18 and P2–3, respectively.G, Relative enhancement of EPSCs by aniracetam is plotted versus recovery interval. Enhancement is calculated as (EPSCGYKI-ANI/EPSCGYKI)/EPSCGYKI.