Dendritic transport of rat BC1 RNA: impairment after bath application of SLE anti-BC IgGs. Sympathetic neurons were microinjected with radiolabeled BC1 RNA after bath application of IgGs for 8 h. Bath application was performed with IgG HS4 (A, B), IgG SLE S6 (C, D), or IgG RA1 (E, F). Dark-field photomicrographs (A, C, E) are accompanied by corresponding phase-contrast photomicrograph (B), DIC Nomarski photomicrograph (D),and phase-contrast photomicrograph (F). Scale bar, 50 μm. Number of cells analyzed: A, B, 8 neurons, 28 dendrites; C, D, 7 neurons, 28 dendrites; and E, F, 8 neurons, 27 dendrites. Quantitative analysis (G) indicates that bath-applied IgG SLE S6, but not bath-applied IgG HS4 or IgG RA1, significantly reduces dendritic delivery of BC1 RNA.