Glycan content. FcεRIα
glycosylation patterns as deduced
by direct analysis of the [1H,13C]-HSQC NMR
spectra. Expansion of the region containing the axial and equatorial
H3 protons of the Neu5Ac residues in the folded (a) and the unfolded
(c) state. (b) Expansion of the spectral region showing the anomeric
(C1–H1) cross-peaks of the Asn-linked GlcNAc 1, which appears
only under denaturing conditions. (d, e) Expansion of the spectral
region showing the anomeric (C1–H1) cross-peaks of the linked
saccharides in native and denaturing conditions, respectively. (f)
Schematic representation of the different N-glycans identified. Each
monosaccharide with a unique 1H,13C resonance
is labeled with a different letter. The Man residues in the antennae
(A–H) are further identified through different colored dashed
circles. These residues differ in terms of their chemical linkages
and, consequently, in their NMR chemical shifts.