Specific glycan epitope analysis. The
different biorelevant N-glycans
and epitopes contained in FcεRIα, together with their
relevant abundance. (a) Estimation of the specific terminal sialylation
obtained by comparing the cross-peak intensities of the galactose
signals measured for the terminal Gal, Neu5Ac(α2–3)Gal,
and Neu5Ac(α2–6)Gal moieties.35 (b) Estimation of the degree of fucosylation in the antennae as
well as its relative abundance, calculated comparing (O′ +
O + P) with (Y). (c) Estimation of the degree of inner-core fucosylation,
calculated comparing (I) and (J). The lowest signal intensities observed
for the GlcNAc2 residues are related to their different rotational
motion effective correlation times with respect to the terminal residues,
which are fairly more mobile. The inset plot in a different scale
clarifies the relative abundance of this glycan modification.