Figure 3:
Frequency of different classes of DC’s, (a) Gating strategy to define cell populations. Representative flow cytometric plots from ileum samples of dam-fed were initially gated on the “ whole ” population (i) on a forward scatter (FSC)-side scatter (SSC) plot, followed by CD11b/c+ dendritic cells (DCs)(ii). Subsequently, MHCII +DCs were identified (iii), and differentiated CD 103+ DCs were quantified (iv). Frequency of (b) CD11b/c+ dendritic cells; (c) MHCII+ DCs, and (d) CD 103+ tolerogenic DCs in the ileum of newborn rats with different feeding regimens. In each feeding group, each dot represents a single rat pup. The horizontal line in each group represents the mean value. Animal numbers in groups, n=6-19 pups. Multiple group comparisons were performed using one way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey’s test. The multiple group comparisons with significant p values (p<0.05,<0.01, or<0.001) are indicated in the Figures.