Fig. 3.
LINGO2/EGFR axis controls DSS colitis severity. a Western blot showing phospo-EGFR (Y-1068) vs. total EGFR levels compared to beta-actin loading control in small intestinal lysates from individual WT vs. Lingo2KO mice. Each lane is an individual mouse b H&E stained colon tissue from naive WT and Lingo2KO mice. Magnification ×40, scale bar 10 μm. c Serum levels of FITC-Dextran in WT vs Lingo2KO mice 4 h after oral gavage. d Percentage of small intestinal crypt cells per high power field that stained double positive for E-cadherin and Ki-67 in naive WT vs Lingo2KO mice. Mean ± SE of two independent experiments with the results of unpaired two tailed t tests shown. e Schematic of DSS treatment protocol. f Percent change from initial body weight caused by DSS administration at 2.5% w/v in cohorts of WT versus Lingo2KO mice. g Disease activity index (DAI) clinical scores in WT versus Lingo2KO mice from mice in f. Mean ± SE of 8–10 mice/group are shown. h H&E (left) and PAS (right) stain for WT and Lingo2KO rectum 11 days post 2.5% DSS treatment. Representative images are shown. Magnification ×4 (left) scale bar 100 μm and ×40 (right) scale bar 10 μm. i Change in initial body weight and j clinical inflammation score in WT versus Lingo2KO mice post 2.5% DSS with or without Gefitinib treatment. Means ± SE of 8, 9 or 10 mice/group are shown. k, l Colon length in WT versus Lingo2KO- mice at day 11 post 2.5% DSS with or without Gefitinib. Means ± SE of 8, 9 or 10 mice/group and the results of two-way ANOVA analyses are shown