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. 2019 Sep 23;15:2743–2761. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S201407

Table 1.

Patients with anxiety disorders, according to DSM 5

Author/Year Patient/Sham group Diagnosis Study design Target # of rTMS sessions Frequency Pulses per session Stimulation intensity NP tests Relevant results following treatment Tolerability and safety Sustained effect of response
Zhang, 201937 117 rTMS Mood or Anxiety Disorders RCT Left DLPFC 10 10 Hz 2400 120% of RMT HAMA All the age groups showed significant improvements in clinical symptoms No safety or tolerability concerns were identified Yes for adolescents, but not in adults
Lu R, 201838 28 rTMS GAD Open-label Right DLPFC + left DLPFC 10 1 Hz 750 80% of RMT HRSA In this study, low-frequency rTMS which was successively delivered to right and left DLPFC effectively alleviated anxiety symptoms in GAD patients All patients tolerated rTMS well without any adverse effects Yes
Dilkov D, 201733 9 rTMS/12 sham GAD RCT Right DLPFC 25 20 Hz 3600 110% of RMT HRSA Participants receiving rTMS showed clinically significant decrease in reported anxiety symptoms. One participant in the active group had seizure; transient dizziness was reported in three patients Yes
Diefenbach GJ, 201635 13 rTMS/12 sham GAD RCT Right DLPFC 30 1 Hz 900 90% of RMT HRSA; DASS ANOVA demonstrated significant group x time interaction for the primary and secondary outcomes with the gains maintained only in the rTMS group at follow-up. No seizures occurred; mild adverse effects were reported and was similar in rTMS and sham groups Yes
White D and Tavakoli S, 20155 13 rTMS Comorbid MDD and GAD Open-label, pilot study Right DLPFC + left DLPFC 2436 1Hz (right side)+10hz (left side) 1000 NR GAD-7 Paired T-test comparing baseline to final scores showed a markedly significant difference for both GAD-7 and the HDRS-21, suggesting a decrease of 65% and 75% in depression and anxiety, respectively. NR Not applicable
Mantovani A, 201334 12 rTMS/13 sham PD and comorbid MDD RCT. Two phases: Phase I 4-week double-blind followed by Phase II (optional) 4-week open-label Right DLPFC Phase I: 20; Phase II: 20 1Hz 1800 110% of RMT PDSS; HRSA-14 Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a significant time by group interaction with PDSS, with greater reduction in active group. No seizures were reported. None of the patients reported significant side effects Yes
Prasko J, 200736 7 rTMS/8 sham PD or PD with agoraphobia RCT Right DLPFC 10 1 Hz 1800 110% of RMT HRSA; BAI; PDSS No statistical difference between groups were observed after treatment. No seizures, headaches, neurological and cognitive decline occurred Not applicable

Abbreviations: BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; DASS, Depression Anxiety Stress Scales; DLPFC, Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex; GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; HAMA, Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety; HRSA, Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety; MDD, major depressive disorder; NP, neuropsychological; NR, Not Reported; PD, Panic Disorder; PDSS, Panic Disorder Severity Scale; RCT, Randomized Controlled Trial; RMT, Resting Motor Threshold; rTMS, repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.

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