Fig. 2.
Key events within the first day of the Cenozoic based on numerical modeling, geophysical data, and IODP Expedition 364 drilling. The figure includes 2 perspectives: a westerly oriented radial profile crossing inner crater rim and shallow shelf and a northeasterly oriented radial profile that crosses the opening in crater rim into the Gulf of Mexico. (A) Approaching 12-km-sized impactor over the preimpact target of the Yucatán peninsula. (B) A 100-km-wide transient crater and remnant of the impact plume consisting of vaporized/fragmented limestones, evaporites, and granitic basement rocks (timescale and geometry based on ref. 5). (C) Collapse of the transient crater with upward formation of a central uplift starting to undergo dynamic collapse (timescale and geometry based on refs. 5, 9, and 44). (D) Morphology after central uplift collapse and peak ring formation (based on refs. 2 and 9). Initial ocean resurge is depicted entering the crater with timescale based on a dam break model and undergoing MWIs. (E) Ocean resurge completes cresting the peak ring where Site M0077 was drilled. (F) Settling of debris within the now flooded crater to form the bulk of the suevite deposit that blankets the peak ring, with a zoomed-in view of processes (including seiches) and deposits capping the peak ring. (G) Tsunami entering crater from returning rim-wave tsunami and shelf collapses, with a zoomed-in view of the peak ring K-Pg deposits (timescale based on ref. 34). Rx, rocks.