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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Sep 28.
Published in final edited form as: Proc AAAI Conf Artif Intell. 2019 Jan-Feb;33:4763–4771. doi: 10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33014763

Table 2:

Glossary of variables and symbols used in this paper.

Symbol Used for
X Data point, XX
n Number of data points
Ys Label for one of the t classification tasks, Ys ∈ {1,...,ks}
t Number of tasks
Y Vector of task labels Y = [Y1, Y2,...,Yt]T
r Cardinality of the output space, r = |Y|
G task Task structure graph
Y Output space of allowable task labels defined by Gtask, YY
D Distribution from which we assume (X, Y) data points are sampled i.i.d.
si Weak supervision source, a function mapping X to a label vector
λi Label vector λiY output by the ith source for X
m Number of sources
λ m × t matrix of labels output by the m sources for X
Y 0 Source output space, which is Y augmented to include elements set to zero
τi Coverage set of λi- the tasks si gives non-zero labels to; for convenience, τ0 = {1,…,t}
Y τi The output space for λi given coverage set τi
Yτimin The output space Yτi with all but the first value, for defining a minimal set of statistics
G source Source dependency graph, Gsource = (V, E), V = {Y, λ1,...,λm}
C Cliqueset (maximal and non-maximal) of Gsource
C˜,S The maximal cliques (nodes) and separator sets of the junction tree over Gsource
Ψ(C, yC) The indicator variable for the variables in clique CC taking on values yC, (yC)iYτi
μ The parameters of our label model we aim to estimate; μ=E[ψ]
O The set of observable cliques, i.e. those corresponding to cliques without Y
Σ Generalized covariance matrix of OS, Σ ≡ Cov [Ψ(OS)]
K The inverse generalized covariance matrix K = Σ−1
dO, d S The dimensions of O and S respectively
G aug The augmented source dependencies graph Gaug = (Ψ, Eaug)
Ω The edge set of the inverse graph of Gaug
P Diagonal matrix of class prior probabilities, P(Y)
Pμ (Y, λ) The label model parameterized by μ
Y˜ The probabilistic training label, i.e. Pμ(Y|λ)
fw (X) The end model trained using (X, Y˜)