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. 2019 Sep 15;2019:3057180. doi: 10.1155/2019/3057180

Table 1.

Herbs used in the treatment of malaria in Uganda.

Plant family Scientific name Local name Part used Growth form Mode of preparation Dose and mode of administration for malaria Status of antimalarial/antiplasmodial activity investigation Other ailments treated Reference(s)
Acanthaceae Justicia betonica L. Nalongo/quinine Leaves/whole plant Herb Decoction About 120 ml every 8 hours for a week Investigated Diabetes, yellow fever, diarrhea [10, 19]
Justicia anselliana (Nees) T. Anderson Kwiniini omuganda Leaves/twig Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified No record [20]
Monechma subsessile C. B. Clarke Erazi Leaves Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified No record Abdominal pain [19]
Thunbergia alata Sims Kasaamusaamu/ntudde buleku Leaves/whole plant Climber Decoction About 120 ml every 8 hours for a week No record False teeth [8, 10]
Alliaceae Allium cepa L. Katungulu Bulb Herb No record [21]
Aloeaceae Aloe dawei A. Berger (wild/cultivated) Kigagi Leaves Herb Decoction A glassful once a day for 7 days Investigated Candida [10]
Aloe kedongensis (wild) Kigagi Leaves Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated [19, 22]
Aloe volkensii (cultivated) Kigagi Leaves Herb Decoction/infusion Orally taken, dose not specified No record [19]
Aloe ferox Mill Kigagi Leaves Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated Wounds, digestive disorders, rheumatic arthritis [18, 19]
Aloe lateritia (wild) Kigagi Leaves/root Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified No record [19]
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus hybridus L. Bbuga Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass every 24 hours for 7 days No record [10]
Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica L. Muyembe gwakona Leaves/bark Tree Decoction 4 and 3 teaspoons after every 8 hours for adults and children, respectively, for a week Investigated Diarrhea, dysentery, body pain, venereal diseases, cough, syphilis [10, 23]
Rhus natalensis Bernh. Ex Krauss Omesheshe Leaves Shrub Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated [24]
Rhus vulgaris Meikle Kakwasokwaso/tebudda Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass every 8 hours for 7 days No record Skin rush, erectile dysfunction [10]
Apiaceae Heteromorpha trifoliata Eckl. & Zeyh. Omumemena Leaves/roots Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified No record [19]
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Kabo Kabakyala/mbutamu Leaves/whole plant Herb Decoction 4 teaspoons thrice a day for 4 days Investigated [10]
Apocynaceae Alstonia boonei De Wild. Mubajangalabi Bark Tree Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated [8]
Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl Muyunza, ekamuriei Roots Herb Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated Epilepsy, fever, cough, syphilis, measles, dysentery [21, 23]
Carissa spinarum Lodd. ex A. DC. Omuyonza Roots Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated [19]
Catharanthus roseus G. Don Sekagya Leaves Herb Decoction About 120 ml every 8 hours for a week Investigated [10]
Araceae Culcasia faleifolia Engl. Ntangawuzi yomukibira Roots Herb Decoction About 120 ml once a day for a week No record [10]
Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia elegans Mast. Musuja welaba/nakasero Seeds/sap Vine Steeped in water and drunk A glassful once a day Investigated Abdominal pain, East coast fever [8, 19]
Aristolochia tomentosa Sims. Kankapu Stem Climber Infusion Oral, dose not specified No record Wounds, skin diseases, snake bites [23]
Asclepiadaceae Gomphocarpus physocarpus E. Mey. Kafumbo Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass daily for a week No record [10]
Asphodelaceae Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Kigagi/alovera Leaves Herb Decoction 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week Investigated Stomach ache [8, 25]
Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides L. Namirembe Whole plant/leaves Herb Decoction A glassful thrice a day for 7 days Investigated Worms, weakness in pregnancy [8, 10]
Artemisia annua L. Sweet anne Leaves Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever [19]
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd Pasile Leaves Herb Infusion Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever [10]
Aspilia africana (Pers.) C. D. Adams Makayi, ekarwe Whole plant/leaves/roots Herb Decoction 8 teaspoons 3 times a day for a week Investigated Abdominal aches, measles, diarrhea, wounds, induction of appetite [10, 19]
Baccharoides adoensis (Sch. Bip. ex Walp.) H. Rob. Okellokello Leaves Shrub Decoction 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week; bath-leaves squeezed and added to bathing water Investigated Flu, skin rush, ear infections [25, 26]
Bidens grantii Sherff Ehongwa Leaves, flower Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Pregnancy disorders, prehepatic jaundice [19]
Bidens pilosa L. Sere/labika Whole plant/leaves Herb Decoction/fresh leaf extract 4 teaspoons thrice a day for 4 days Investigated Diarrhea, wounds [10, 23]
Bothriocline longipes N. E. Br. Ekyogayanja Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, ague, paludism [19, 24]
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Ndasha Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Stomach ache, body pain, anemia, respiratory problems [19]
Conyza floribunda H. B. K. Kafumbe Leaves Herb Decoction About 120 ml once a day for a week No record Headache [10]
Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. H. Walker Kati kati Leaves Herb No record Wounds, sore throat, ringworms [21, 27]
Crassocephalum vitellinum Kitonto Leaves Herb Honey added to decoction 2 teaspoons thrice a day for 7 days Investigated [10, 19]
Emilia javanica (Burm. F.) C. B. Rob. Nakate Whole plant Herb Decoction Half a glass once a day for a week No record [10]
Guizotia scabra Chiov. Ekiterankuba Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Stomach ache, HIV/AIDS opportunistic infections [19]
Gynura scandens O. Hoffm. Ekizimya-muriro Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Febrile convulsions [19]
Melanthera scandens (Schumach. & Thonn.) Roberty Makaayi Leaves Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Stomach ache, body odour, yellow fever [8]
Pluchea ovalis DC. Omuneera Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [19]
Microglossa pyrifolia (Lam.)O. Ktze Kafugankande Whole plant/leaves/roots Herb Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Cough, abdominal disorders, chest pain [10, 19, 28]
Schkuhria pinnata (Lam.) Apunait Leaves Herb Infusion 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week Investigated Wounds, skin diseases, diabetes, ear infections, wounds [23, 25]
Sigesbeckia orientalis L. Kyaryaho Roots Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Wounds, stomach ache [19]
Solanecio mannii (Hook. f.) C. Jeffrey Omusununu Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, indigestion [19]
Sonchus oleraceus L. Entahutara Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Stomach ache, scars, anemia, diarrhea [8, 19]
Tagetes minuta L. Kawunyira Whole plant/leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Flu, headache, convulsions [10]
Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray Kimyula Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Diabetes, abdominal pain [10, 19, 25]
Vernonia adoensis Sch. Bip. ex Walp. Nyakajuma Leaves/flowers Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Diarrhea, dizziness [19]
Vernonia amygdalina Delile Mululuza/labwori Whole plant/roots Shrub Decoction Half a glass 2 times a day for 5 days Investigated Headache, stomach ache, burns, baths [8, 10, 19, 20]
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. Kayayana Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Fever, vomiting, inflammation [10]
Vernonia lasiopus O. Hoffm. Kaluluza kasajja Roots/leaves Shrub Fresh leaf extract/root decoction 2 teaspoons thrice a day for 7 days Investigated Abdominal pain, cough, migraine headache, delayed delivery [8, 10, 19, 20]
Bignoniaceae Markhamia lutea (Benth.) K. Schum. Musambya/muzanganda Roots Tree Decoction A glassful once a day for 7 days Investigated Cough, diarrhea [8, 10, 19]
Spathodea campanulata Buch. -Harm. ex DC. Kifabakazi Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for 5 days Investigated Increased vaginal fluid, skin infection, infertility, hernia [8, 10]
Caesalpiniaceae Cassia didymobotrya Fres. Mukyula Leaves Shrub Decoction About 120 ml every 8 hours for a week Investigated [10]
Chamaecrista nigricans Greene Epeduru lo didi Leaves Herb Infusion Oral, dose not specified No record Labour induction, hypertension, retained placenta [23]
Erythrophleum pyrifolia Omurama Leaves/roots Investigated [24]
Senna spectabilis (DC.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Gasiya Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass twice a day for 5 days Investigated [10]
Caesalpinioideae Cassia hirsuta Kasagalansansi Roots Herb Infusion Investigated Stomach pains [23]
Canelliaceae Warbugia ugandensis Sprague Omukuzanume Bark/leaves Tree Decoction/powder swallowed with banana Half a glass once a day for a week Investigated Toothache, flu, skin diseases, asthma, stomach ache, body and muscle pain [10, 20, 27]
Caricaceae Carica papaya L. Paapali essajja Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass twice a day for 3 days Investigated Snake bite, sterility, cough, cancer, body pain, induces labour [10, 19, 23, 25]
Celastraceae Maytenus senegalensis Echomai Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Toothache, skin diseases, chest pain, wound, fever [23]
Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium ambrosioides L. Kawuna wuna Leaves Investigated Headache, epilepsy [21]
Chenopodium opulifolium Koch & Ziz Namuvu Leaves No record Oral wounds, skin rush, toothache [8, 21]
Combretaceae Combretum molle G. Don Ndagi Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass once a day for 3 days Investigated Cough, [10, 21]
Crassulaceae Kalanchoë densiflora Rolfe Kisanasana Leaves Herb No record [21]
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita maxima Lam. Kasuunsa Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass once a day for 7 days Investigated Abdominal pain [10, 25, 27]
Momordica foetida Schumach. Orwihura Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Vomiting, baths, cough, flue, worms [19, 26, 28]
Dracaenaceae Dracaena steudneri Engl. Kajjolyenjovu Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week No record Scars, cough, syphilis, kidney stones, snake bites [8, 10]
Ebenaceae Euclea latideus Staff Emusi Roots Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Ringworms, swollen legs [23]
Euphorbiaceae Alchornea cordifolia (Schumach.) Mull. Arg. Luzibaziba Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass once a day for 7 days Investigated Shaking body [8, 10]
Bridelia micrantha Baill. Katazamiti Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated [10]
Clutia abyssinica Jaub. & Spach Omubarama Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, diarrhea [19]
Croton macrostachyus Olive. Ookota Roots/bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Tuberculosis, stomach ache, cough, fever, asthma [23]
Fluegea virosa (Roxb. ExWillb.)Voigt Lukandwa/mukandula Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a week Investigated Miscarriage, chest pains, infertility in women [8, 10, 21, 23]
Jatropha curcas L. Kirowa Leaves Shrub Investigated Tooth decay, headache, weakness in pregnancy [21]
Macaranga schweinfurthii Pax Kyeganza Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a 5 days No record [10]
Phyllanthus (pseudo) niruri Mull. Arg. Nakitembe Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a 7 days Investigated [10]
Shirakiopsis elliptica (Hochst.) H.–J. Esser Musasa Back Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [20]
Tetrorchidium didymostemon (Baill.) Pax & K. Hoffm. Ekiziranfu Bark Decoction Used as enema No record Jaundice, measles, gastrointestinal disorders, enema [8, 19]
Fabaceae Arachis hypogea (NC) Ebinyobwa Leaves Fresh extract Oral, dose not specified No record [19]
Cajanus cajan (L.) Druse Entondaigwa Leaves Shrub Fresh extract 100 ml once a day for a week Investigated Diarrhea, body pain [27]
Crotalaria agatiflora Schweinf. Kijjebejebbe Whole shoot Shrub Fresh extract Daily bath No record High blood pressure [10]
Crotalaria ochroleuca G. Don Alayo Leaves Herb Fresh extract 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week No record Stomach ache [28]
Entada abyssinica Steud. ex A. Rich. Mwolola Leaves Tree Decoction Investigated Oral wounds, body weakness, wounds, skin infections [8, 20, 26]
Entada africana Guill. & Perr. Mwolola Bark Tree Decoction 4 and 3 teaspoons after every 8 hours for adults and children, respectively, for a week Investigated [10]
Erythrina abyssinica Lam. Girikiti/lacoro Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a 5 days Investigated Fever, leprosy, burns, tuberculosis, toothache, syphilis [10, 23]
Erythrina excelsa Bak. Bajjangala Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a week No record Wounds, candida [10]
Indigofera arrecta Hochst. Ex A. Rich Omushoroza Roots/bark No record Abdominal pain [19]
Indigofera congesta Baker Namasumi Twig Herb Infusion Oral, dose not specified No record [8, 20]
Indigofera emerginella Steud. ex A. Rich Omunyazabashumba Leaves/roots Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Cough [19]
Macrotyloma axillare Verdc. Akihabukuru Leaves No record Impotence, dizziness [19]
Pseudarthria hookeri Wight & Arn Omukongorani/kikakala Leaves/whole plant Herb Decoction One teaspoon thrice a day for 4 days No record Fever [19, 20, 25, 29]
Rhynchosia viscosa DC Omutegansi Flower No record Labour induction [19]
Senna absus (L.) Roxb. Mucuula Shrub Leaves Fresh extract Oral, dose not specified No record Prolonged embryo in uterus [8]
Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Omugabagaba/kivumuzi Herb Leaves, twig Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Change of sex of child [8, 19, 20, 29]
Senna siamea (Lam.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby Garcia Roots Tree Fresh extract A cupful (500 ml) once a day for 3 days Investigated Abdominal pain, sore throat [25, 27]
Tamarindus indica L. Cwaa/nkoge Bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Convulsions, fever [8, 21]
Flacourtiaceae Ocoba spinosa Forssk Ekalepulepu Roots Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Syphilis, skin problems, wounds, headache, impotence, stomach ache [23]
Trimeria bakeri Gilg. Omwatanshare Leaves Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated [24]
Hypericaceae Harungana madagascariensis Lam. Mukaabiransiko/mulirira Bark Tree Decoction 2 tablespoons thrice a day for 3 days Investigated Yellow fever [8, 10]
Labiatae Hyptis pectinata Poir. Bongoloza Whole plant Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [20, 29]
Lamiaceae Aeolanthus repens Oliv. Ntulagi Leaves Herb Decoction Quarter a glass thrice a day for 3 days No record [10]
Ajuga remota Benth. Kitinwa Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass once a day for a week Investigated Stomach ache [10]
Clerodendrum myricoides R. Br. Kikonge Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass daily for a week Investigated Syphilis, intestinal problems, induction of labour [10, 28]
Clerodendrum rotundifolium Oliv. Kisekeseke Roots/leaves Shrub Fresh leaf extract/root decoction Half a glass daily for a 5 days Investigated Diabetes [10]
Hoslundia opposita Vahl. Kamunye Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a week; bath Investigated Ulcers [8, 10, 25]
Leonotis nepetifolia Schimp. exBenth Kifumufumu Whole plant Herb Decoction A glassful thrice a day for 3 days Investigated Headache [10, 21]
Ocimum basilicum Emopim Leaves Herb Infusion Half a glass 3 times a day for a week Investigated Fever, eye cataract [23, 27]
Ocimum gratissimum Willd. Mujaaja Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for 5 days Investigated Wounds, ear infections, chest pain [10, 21]
Ocimum lamiifolium Hochst. Omwenyi Leaves Decoction Half a glass 3 times a day for a week Investigated Abdominal pain [19]
Plectranthus barbatus Ebiriri omutano Whole plant/leaves, roots/stem Herb Infusion Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, heart disease, snake bite [10, 23]
Plectranthus caninus Roth Kibwankulata Leaves Herb Decoction 4 and 2 teaspoons thrice a day for adults and children, respectively, for a week No record [10]
Plectranthus cf. forskohlii Ekizera Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [19]
Rosmarinus officinalis L. Rosemary Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass twice a day for 5 days Investigated Chest pain [10]
Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd Kyewamala Leaves Herb Decoction One teaspoon twice a day for a week Investigated [10]
Lauranceae Persea americana Mill. Ovakedo Leaves Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fungal and bacterial infection, high blood pressure, intestinal worms and parasites [23]
Loranthaceae Tapinanthus constrictiflorus (Engl.) Danser Enzirugaze Leaves Herb Decoction A glass daily for 7 days No record [10]
Malvaceae Hibiscus surattensis L. Nantayitwako musota Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for 7 days No record High blood pressure [10]
Meliaceae Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Neem Leaves Tree Decoction About 120 ml once a day for 7 days Investigated Dental decay/ache, yellow fever, cough, skin diseases, diabetes, nausea [10, 19, 23, 25]
Carapa grandiflora Sprague Omukeete Leaves/bark Tree Decoction Half a glass twice a day for 7 days No record [10]
Melia azedarach Elira Leaves Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, skin disease, itching wounds, parasitic worms [23]
Menispermaceae Cissampelos mucronata A. Rich. Kavawala Leaves/whole plant Herb Decoction Half a glass twice a day for 5 days Investigated [10]
Mimosaceae Acacia hockii De willd Ekisim Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Diarrhea, syphilis, dysentery [23, 30]
Acacia nilotica Investigated [31]
Acacia sieberiana Etiriri Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Dysentery, epilepsy, cough [21, 23]
Albizia coriaria Welw. Lugavu Bark Tree Decoction 1 and 3 teaspoons thrice a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week. Investigated Skin diseases, diarrhea [10]
Albizia grandibracteata Taube Nongo Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass once a day for a week Investigated Yellow fever, anemia, fungal infections of scalp [8, 10, 32]
Albizia zygia (DC.) Macbr. Mulongo Bark Tree Investigated [21]
Newtonia buchananii (Baker) Gilb. & Perr. Mpewere Bark Tree Dried, powdered, added to boiling water Half a glass once a day for a week No record [10]
Moraceae Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. Kirundu Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass once a day for a week Investigated Weakness in pregnancy, headache [8, 10]
Ficus natalensis Hochst Tree Investigated Gonorrhea [8, 33]
Ficus saussureana DC. Muwo Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for 7 days No record [10]
Milicia excels (Welw.) C. C. Berg. Mivule Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for 7 days Investigated Burns, fresh cuts, skin rush [8, 10]
Moringaceae Moringa oleifera Lam Moringa Leaves/roots Tree Decoction/chewed raw A glassful thrice a day for 7 days; a handful of fresh leaves chewed 3 times for 4 days Investigated Joint pains [21, 25]
Musaceae Musa paradisiaca (NC) Kabalagala Leaves Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Jaundice, prolonged embryo in uterus [19]
Myricaceae Myrica kandtiana Engl. (NC) Omujeeje Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Vomiting, diarrhea [19]
Myristicaceae Pycnanthus angolensis (Welw.)Warb. Lunaba Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass a day Investigated [10]
Myrsinaceae Maesa lanceolata Forssk. Kiwondowondo Leaves Shrub Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for 7 days Investigated Febrile convulsions [10, 19, 24]
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus grandis Maiden. Kalitunsi Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass a day No record Cough [8, 10]
Psidium guajava L. Mupeera Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Bloody diarrhea, typhoid, wounds, cough [10, 23]
Syzygium cordatum Hochst. Mugeege Bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Dry cough, skin rush, wounds [8, 10, 20, 29]
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels Jambula Leaves Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Cough [32]
Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. Kalunginsanvu Bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated [20]
Papillionaceae Butyrospermuum paradoxum Ekunguri Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Labour pains, headaches [23]
Ormocarpum trachycarpum Ederut Roots Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Pneumonia, snake bite [23]
Passifloraceae Passiflora edulis Sims Akatunda Leaves Herb Fresh extract Oral, dose not specified No record Diarrhea, cough [19]
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum brachcalya Not defined Not defined Shrub No record [34]
Pittosporum mannii Hook. f. Subsp. ripicola (J. Leon)Cuf. Mubajjankon Leaves Shrub Infusion/decoction Half a glass a day for a week No record [10]
Poaceae Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. Kisubi Leaves Grass Decoction 120 ml every after 8 hours for a week Investigated Dental caries, influenza, cough, cancer, indigestion, fever [10, 19, 23]
Digitaria scalarum Chiov. Lumbugu Leaves Grass Decoction 120 ml every after 8 hours for a week No record [10]
Imperata cylindrical (L.) Beauv. var. africana (Anderss.) C. E. Hubbard Lusenke Roots Grass Dried, powdered, added boiling water/decoction 120 ml once a day for a week No record Abdominal pain [10]
Zea mays L. Luyange lwakasoli Flowers/husks Cereal grass Decoction 120 ml every after 8 hours for a week Investigated Boosts immunity [10]
Polygalaceae Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen. Eliloi Roots Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Skin diseases, measles, cough, hernia, diarrhea [23]
Maesopsis eminii Engl. Musizi Bark Tree Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week No record [10]
Portulacaceae Talinum portulacifolium (Forssk.) Asch. ex Schweinf. Mpozia Leaves Herb Oral, dose not specified No record [21]
Rosaceae Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman Ntaseesa or Ngwabuzito Bark Tree Decoction 2 and 3 teaspoons thrice a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week Investigated Fainting, cancer [8, 10]
Rubus steudneri schweinf. Nkenene Leaves Herb Decoction Half a glass once a day for a week No record [10]
Rubiaceae Coffea canephora Froehner Mwanyi Leaves Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [21]
Hallea rubrostipulata (K. Schum.) J.-F. Leroy Muziku Bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated [20]
Pentas longiflora Oliv. Ishagara Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever [19]
Vangueria apiculata K. Schum. Matugunda Bark Shrub Decoction 2 and 3 teaspoons thrice a day for children and adults, respectively, for a week No record [10]
Rutaceae Citrus reticulata Omuqugwa Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Weight loss induction, cancer, skin diseases [23]
Citrus sinensis Omucungwa/cungwa Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Vomiting, cough, diabetes [21, 23, 25]
Teclea nobilis Delile Omuzo Aerial parts Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Body cleanser [32]
Toddalia asiatica Baill. Kawule Roots Climber Decoction Half a glass thrice a day for a week Investigated Cough, abdominal pain [10, 19, 24]
Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. Ntale ya ddungu Roots Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Body swellings, stomach ache, cough, fever, chest pain [10, 23, 28]
Zanthoxyllum leprieurii Guill. & Perr. Mutatembwa/munyenye Bark Tree Decoction drunk Half a glass thrice a day for a week No record [10]
Salicaceae Trimeria grandifolia ssp. tropica (Hochst.) Warb. Omwatanshare Leaves Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated [19]
Sapindaceae Blighia unijugata Baker Nkuzanyana Bark Tree Decoction drunk Half a glass twice a day for a week Investigated Wounds, vomiting, skin diseases, fibroids, cervical cancer [8, 10]
Sapotaceae Manilkara obovata (Sabine & G. Don) Nkunya Bark Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [20]
Scrophulariaceae Sopubia ramosa (Hochst.) Hochst. Kakulunkanyi Whole plant Herb Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record [20]
Simaroubaceae Harrisonia abyssinica Olive. Ekeroi Roots/leaves Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Fever, wounds, syphilis, snake bite, abdominal pain [23]
Solanaceae Datura stramonium Thunb. Amadudu Leaves Herb Decoction drunk Half a glass thrice a day for a week No record Ulcers, stomach ache, chest pain [10]
Physalis peruviana L. Ntuntunu Leaves Herb Decoction drunk Half a glass 3 times a day for a week No record Vomiting, febrile convulsions, fainting [8, 10, 19]
Solanum nigrum L. Nsugga Leaves Herb Decoction drunk Half a glass 3 times a day for a week Investigated Ear infection, headache, epilepsy, STI, diarrhea [8, 10]
Tiliaceae Trumfetta rhomboidea Jacq. Musombankoko Roots Shrub Decoction drunk Half a glass once a day for a week No record [10]
Ulmaceae Celtis africana L. Akasisa Leaves Tree Decoction drunk Half a glass a day for a week Investigated [10]
Umbelliferae Steganotania araliacea Hoeshst Ematule Roots/leaves Tree Decoction Oral, dose not specified No record Measles, body swelling [23]
Verbenaceae Lantana camara Kanpanga Leaves Shrub Decoction Oral, dose not specified Investigated Wounds, measles, tuberculosis, pneumonia, snake bite, chest pain [23]
Lantana trifolia L. Omuhukye Leaves Decoction Orally taken, dose not specified Investigated Yellow fever, ringworms, muscle pain, prolapsed rectum [8, 19]
Zingiberaceae Curcuma longa L. Binjali Rhizome Herb Fresh extract 30 ml thrice a day for 3 days Investigated [28]