Fig. 2.
The mean ± SE for epochs and epoch durations were calculated using 4-h time blocks over a 24-h period for wild-type (WT), brain-specific interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein (AcPb) KO, and AcP KO mice. Average non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) and rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) epoch durations were calculated in minutes, and there were strain differences during the dark period during NREMS but not in REMS (A and B). The number of NREMS epochs occurring during the light period were different among strains (A and C). During the first 8 h of the dark period, the number of REMS epochs differed between WT vs. AcP KO mice (D). *P > 0.05, WT vs. AcP; +P > 0.05, WT vs. AcPb; #P > 0.05, AcP vs. AcPb.