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. 2019 Sep 5;19(18):3835. doi: 10.3390/s19183835

Table 2.

List of Symbols.

S# Symbol Description
1. CH Cluster head
2. ClusterID Cluster with an identity number
3. KT Total number of clusters at time T
4. G Game model
5. N Nodes/number of nodes
6. S Strategies
7. U Utility function
8. CM Cluster member
9. CostEi Energy cost of node i
10. Costi(Sense) Cost of sensing
11. Costi(Process) Cost of processing data
12. Costi(agg) Cost of aggregation of data
13. Costi(PacketTrans) Cost of a single packet transmission
14. CostCH Energy cost of cluster head
15. CostCM Energy cost of cluster member
16. HpLi Hop level of node i
17. HpLmax Maximum hop levels in the network
18. fb The ratio of forward nodes to backward nodes
19. di,j Distance between nodes i and j
20. CN Closed neighbors
21. CNDistThres Threshold distance to determine CNs set
22. P(di,j) Propagation model for the distance between nodes i and j
23. Ct Transceiver characteristics
24. Pt Transmission power
25. λi Importance of node i
26. cn Number of CNs
27. PartThres The threshold value for participation
28. pCM The participation level of cluster member
29. TSSCM Total Session Sent by the cluster member
30. A Set of nodes suitable for CH
31. Β Set of nodes not suitable for CH
32. PCH Set of nodes prohibited for CH
33. TE Threshold value for eligibility of being CH
34. Πi Profit value assigned to the node by BS
35. πi Penalty value assigned to the node by BS
36. U¯α Average profit earning of a node
37. U¯β The average penalty for a node
38. x* Stable strategy set
39. EVAL Parameters set for evaluation