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. 2019 May 15;66(5):1873–1883. doi: 10.1111/tbed.13216

Table 1.

Life history parameters for five putative insect vectors of lumpy skin disease virus

Parameter Symbol Range Comments References
Stomoxys calcitrans
Biting rate (day−1) a 0.33–6 Time interval between blood meals (1/a) of 4–72 hr Salem, Franc, Jacquiet, Bouhsira, and Lienard (2012); Baldacchino et al. (2013)
Vector to host ratio m 30–145 Kunz and Monty (1976); Jacquiet et al. (2014)
Mortality rate (day−1) μ 0.04–0.11 Median lifespan (1/μ) of 9–26 days Salem et al. (2012); Skovgård and Nachman (2017)
Culicoides nubeculosus
Biting rate (day−1) a 0–0.4 Based on duration of gonotrophic cycle Birley and Boorman (1982); Braverman, Linley, Marcus, and Frish (1985); Mullens, Gerry, Lysyk, and Schmidtmann (2004)
Vector to host ratio m 0–5,000 Based on a maximum host biting rate (m × a) of 2,500 bites per host per day Gerry, Mullens, MacLachlan, and Mecham (2001)
Mortality rate (day−1) μ 0.1–0.5 Based on proportion of females surviving gonotrophic cycle Birley and Boorman (1982); Braverman et al. (1985)
Aedes aegypti
Biting rate (day−1) a 0.18–0.23 Scott et al. (2000); Liu‐Helmersson, Stenlund, Wilder‐Smith, and Rocklöv (2014)
Vector to host ratio m 0–80 Modelled ratio of Aedes to cattle Gachohi, Njenga, Kitala, and Bett (2016)
Mortality rate (day−1) μ 0.07–0.2 Lifespan of 5–15 days estimated using a modelling analysis of 50 mark‐release‐recapture field studies Brady et al. (2013)
Anopheles stephensi
Biting rate (day−1) a 0.25–0.5 Time interval between blood meals (1/a) of 2–4 days Killeen et al. (2000); Charlwood et al. (2016)
Vector to host ratio m 0.6–60 Based on a host biting rate (m × a) of around 2–120 bites per host per day Killeen et al. (2000); Ryan et al. (2017)
Mortality rate (day−1) μ 0.02–0.38 Daily survival probability (exp(−μ)) of 0.68–0.98 Kiszewski et al. (2004)
Culex quinquefasciatus
Biting rate (day−1) a 0.08–0.25 Time interval between blood meals (1/a) of 4–12 days Griffith and Turner (1996); Reisen, Fang, and Martinez (2006)
Vector to host ratio m 0–80 Modelled ratio of Culex to cattle Gachohi et al. (2016)
Mortality rate (day−1) μ 0.07–0.84 Gad, Feinsod, Soliman, and Said (1989); Jones, Lounibos, Marra, and Kilpatrick (2012)