(a) Photofragmentation
decay of mass-isolated protonated isoindigo
as a function of the number of IR FEL pulses at fixed frequencies
diagnostic for the trans-isomer (1745 cm–1, ●) and for the cis-isomer (1686 cm–1, ★, ☆: replicate data). Data points
indicated with ▷ were taken with the laser set at 763 cm–1, where both isomers absorb leading to complete depletion
of the precursor ion population. (b) Results of similar experiments
for protonated indigo, performed at frequencies resonant with trans
(1725 cm–1, ●, ○: replicate), and
with both cis + trans (1604 cm–1, ★, ☆ replicate, and 745 cm–1, ▷). Each data point is obtained from 10 averaged mass spectra.
Solid curves are single-exponential decay fits to a limited range
of the experimental data points, except for trans-isoindigo where all data points are included.